Albero (Guitiriz)

Albero (Guitiriz)

Textura panalotriomórfica de tamaño de grano grueso a muy grueso

Chromatic range
Petrographic examination
Two-mica granite
Clasificación petrográfica Le Maitre
San Antonio V - 4 (Grupo Ingemar SL)
UNE-EN 1936 Apparent density 2640 kg/m3
Open porosity 1.1 %
UNE-EN 13755 Water absorption at atmospheric pressure
Mean value 0.4 %
Higher Expected Value (EH) 0.4 %
UNE-EN 14157 Abrasion resistance
Valor medio de la anchura de la huella 17.2 mm
Higher Expected Value of groove´s width 17.9 mm
UNE-EN 12372 Flexural strength
Mean value 11.7 MPa
Low expected value (EL) 10.5 MPa
UNE-EN 12371 Frost resistance, 56 cycles
Decreased flexural strength 15.6 %
Valor medio de resistencia a flexión 9.9 MPa

Granite has been tested in the CTG laboratory. The results of these tests are only related to the samples tested.