Throughout the different ambiences in a home, we can see the diversity of applications implemented in granite that has been extracted or prepared in Galicia. In kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms, granite creates personal and unique ambiences due to its natural design.
This guide covers the requirements for the materials that make up the flooring system as a whole, the calculation tools, the on-site reception acceptance requirements and the quality controls.
A manual of interest to applicants or holders of a mining right, the persons responsible for drawing up the restoration plans of the ornamental granite quarries, and the officials in the administration entrusted with these types of proceedings.
This guide addresses the study of stone facades based on laboratory tests, the calculation of the structural design proposed by the designer and the on-site reception control both of the materials and the construction units.
Throughout this materials guide, you will find the main varieties of granite, that were extracted or prepared in Galicia, with a visual description, possible finishes, formats, applications and the main tests.
This catalogue contains a selection of works in granite that was extracted or prepared in Galicia, which are important for their uniqueness, their design, their contemporaneity, etc. You can also see examples of the use of granite in various interior settings.
This book describes the methodology that must be used for the proper development of an outdoor flooring system using natural stone, not only from the point of view of the design but also the on-site construction.
This guide addresses the study of stone facades based on laboratory tests, the calculation of the structural design proposed by the designer and the on-site reception control both of the materials and the construction units.
The aim of this book is to show granite as a suitable material for all types of construction, which can be laid both outdoors and indoors due to its great versatility.
It is a very useful tool for prescribers since it contains graphic and written information about relevant construction works carried out with granite.
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