Promoter: Fundación Centro Tecnolóxico do Granito de Galicia (FCTGG). (Galician Granite Technology Centre)
Technical lead: Dr. Fernando López González-Mesones (mining engineer, Madrid Polytechnic University)
Technical team: Natalia Núñez Duro (architect Granite Technology Centre), Eva Portas Fernández (technical architect Granite Technology Centre) and Javier De la Puente Crespo (industrial engineer, University of Vigo and the Serafin Ocaña Foundation)
Publisher: Ideas propias Editorial
Collection: Soluciones con piedra (Solutions with stone)
Bilingual edition (Spanish and English)
This technical guide introduces the reader to the innumerable advantages of using natural stone in both design and construction. It describes, simply and in detail, the correct method for installing a natural stone floor, not only with regards to the overall project but also to its onsite execution, including the incoming quality control for both raw materials and completed sections of the job.
It provides the reader with a list of the most common problems affecting stone floors and the repairs necessary to remedy them. This prior analysis of the contributing factors can then be used to prevent future incidences of damage.
In addition, the guide contains a collection of recommendations for the conservation and maintenance of the floor, as well as an analysis of cleaning techniques. This section underlines the importance of planning for cleaning and maintenance throughout the useful life of the floor to keep this high-quality material in top condition.
The final chapter covers the granite price database. This application works in the Standard Spanish Format for the Interchange of Construction Databases (FIEBDC) and provides a detailed description and approximate price for all granite construction jobs.
Technical lead: Dr. Fernando López González-Mesones (mining engineer, Madrid Polytechnic University).
Technical team: Natalia Núñez Duro (architect Granite Technology Centre), Eva Portas Fernández (technical architect Granite Technology Centre) and Javier De la Puente Crespo (industrial engineer, University of Vigo and the Serafin Ocaña Foundation).